Richard Ziupsnys

🧒🏻 About Me

Hello! I'm Richard Ziupsnys, a passionate software and game developer. I specialise in creating innovative and efficient solutions for both the software and gaming industries. With a strong background in various programming languages and technologies, I strive to deliver exceptional user experiences.

I have been actively developing since 2017, starting off with simple things such as experiences on Roblox, and then massively expanding my knowledge base and starting a development organisation which has evolved into Numelon in 2020 and later.

🔨 Projects

Check out all the projects I contribute to at Numelon. As the CEO and founder, I am involved in every project.

📱 Contact

If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to reach out to me through any of Numelon's social links where you will be directed to me, or through the Numelon Discord Server for instant contact.